About us
About us
Our mission
The mission of VIN-KON S.A. is the processing of agricultural produce into high-quality wines, juices and fruit and vegetable concentrates, ensuring satisfaction and benefits in the supplier-producer-recipient relationship
VIN-KON S.A. company has existed since 1991. It is a Polish family company, the company is the legal successor of the Konińskie Zakłady Przemysłu Owocowo-Varzywnego and continuator of the several dozen years of Konin winemaking tradition.
Over 30 years of experience
About us
Where do we operate?
The business is carried out in two plants in Konin (Greater Poland) and Kruszwica (Kujawsko-Pomorskie).
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What do we do?
The company's main activity is the processing of fruit, vegetables and malt from local suppliers. The use of modern technologies guarantees the production of natural, direct juices, concentrated juices, aroma phases and malt extracts of the highest quality.
Local suppliers
Based on cooperation with local suppliers of fresh and organic fruit, VIN-KON S.A. created a family of fruit Traditional Wines under the Potęga Tradycji and Szeptem brands, as well as cider, perry, cherry, black currant under the Bursztynowy brand. These wines, produced according to old traditional recipes, are characterized by the authentic taste of the fruit from which they are made.
About us
Quality and science
To guarantee the quality of its products, VIN-KON S.A. implemented the FSSC 22,000 system confirmed by the DNV certificate.
For years, VIN-KON S.A. cooperates on various levels with the scientific community. This brings great benefits to both scientists and our company. Transferring the results of scientific research to production reality with simultaneous bilateral transfer of knowledge enables the creation of new innovative technologies and products, thereby increasing the competitiveness of our company.
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